Quinte International Women’s Day Market
Thursday 07 March 2024, 03:00pm - 07:00pm
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Quinte International Women’s Day Market
Discover and Shop at the first Market of Women-owned and Women-led local Businesses in a Celebration of International Women's Day 2024

Thursday March 7, 2024
3pm - 7pm
The Pentecostals of Quinte
490 Dundas Street, West, Belleville
FREE Admission
Kindly Register with Eventbrite HERE: https://bit.ly/48M7A8B

Quinte International Women's Day Market is a one-of-a-kind interactive Business Event that brings together a diverse group of exceptional Women-owned and Women-led businesses. These women have overcome obstacles, created a growing business and inspired others to understand and value women’s inclusion in Business and Industry. A wonderful International Women’s Day celebration dedicated to Inspire Women’s Inclusion in Business and Industry: hear their stories and discover their businesses’ unique services and products at the first Quinte International Women’s Day Market.