Building your Brand & Marketing your Business Daniel Francavilla
Wednesday 08 November 2023, 02:30pm
Hits : 360
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Hello Business Partners, Leaders, and Entrepreneurs,

Building your Brand & Marketing your Business with Daniel Francavilla

Wednesday November 8th at 2:30pm online



You’re invited to meet Daniel Francavilla, Marketing Advisor & Brand Strategist of for an engaging Q & A Marketing Information Session specifically designed for Small Businesses in Bay of Quinte. Daniel will be sharing a brief presentation for “helping you tell your story and showcase your impact,” with some tips on social media marketing and branding, this will be followed by an interactive question and answer session.

Be sure to visit Daniel's website for more fun information on marketing and to check out his podcast: Growth for Good: Amplifying impact for non-profits, charities, and social purpose businesses.

Hashtags #SmallBusinessMarketing#SocialMediaMarketing#Branding#MarketingTips#MarketingAdvisor#BrandStrategist