CPA Financial Literacy Session - Growth and Expansion
Wednesday 22 November 2023, 02:30pm
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CPA Financial Literacy Session - Growth and Expansion

Wednesday November 22 at 2:30pm online


 Join Edward Sawaya, B. Comm., CPA CA, CFA, CBV for an online CPA Financial Literacy Session hosted by the Small Business Centre on Wednesday November 22 at 2:30pm and explore how to best grow your business. Learn about the financial implications of growth on a business and how to analyze and plan for it. Find out what best determines when business expansion makes sense, understand how to project growth and expansion.  And most importantly, know how to react when unexpected growth occurs.

Growth and expansion - CPA Financial Literacy Session will answer the following questions:

What are the best reasons to grow a business?

When is the best time to grow a business?

How do we plan for growth and expansion?

What are the financial implications of growth?

Will growing my business increase my profits?

How much cash will we need to expand?

What happens if we get unexpected growth?

Hashtag #FinancialLiteracySession #BusinessGrowth#BusinessExpansion#CashManagement #WorkingCapital #OperationalEfficiency