Business Succession Planning Workshop
Tuesday 21 November 2023, 08:00am - 10:30am
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Looking to sell or transition from your business in the next 5 years? 

Join us for an exclusive Business Succession Workshop where you will discover the secrets to a successful business transition and gain valuable insights. Our professional panel will share their knowledge and experiences to help you navigate the complexities of selling your business.

During this workshop, you'll learn:

  • Legal and financial aspects of the selling process, including tax implications
  • Recommendations to increase the value of your business and attract buyers
  • Tips for smooth ownership transition and preserving your legacy

Whether you're planning to retire, explore new ventures, or simply want to ensure a smooth transition for your business, this workshop is a must-attend event. Ask questions directly to our panelists and gain practical insights that will empower you to make informed decisions.

Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Time: 8:00 am breakfast 8:30 – 10:30 session

Location:  Holiday Inn Express, 205 Resource Rd, Kingston

Limited seats are available, so reserve your spot now!

Register today   or contact Anne Prichard, Frontenac Business Services 613-372-1414 ext 204 for more information.

Invest in your future and secure the legacy of your business.

Panelists Include: 

Mike Brown: Cunningham Swan Lawyers

Judith Pineault :  Entrepreneur who has successfully sold her business

Kris Gregorie:  Senior Account Manager, BDC

Tyler Rider, CPA, CA: Secker Ross and Perry LLP

Draw Prizes

1 hour of consulting time within the corporate/commercial scope from

Angela Brown, Templeman LLP

Mike Brown, Cunningham Swan

Tyler Rider, Secker Ross and Perry

