Friday 10 March 2023, 10:00am - 11:00am
Hits : 587
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3/10/2023, 10:00 AM - 3/10/2023, 11:00 AM
All provincial not-for profit-organizations in Ontario have historically been registered under the Ontario Corporations Act. On October 19, 2021, a new Act called the Ontario Not- or Profit-Corporations Act (ONCA) was proclaimed, which replaced the Corporations Act and came into effect immediately. This session will review some of the significant changes in the new legislation and discuss the new requirements of which organization leadership should be aware.
Bill HarringtonBill has a Bachelor’s degree (major in English) from Carleton University and graduated cum laude with a Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Ottawa. He has 40 years of legal experience, both as a litigator and as an in-house counsel. Most recently, he was the General Counsel of The Canadian Real Estate Association, the largest single-industry not-for-profit trade association in Canada. In that role, he was responsible for the effective operation of the legal department, and provided advice, opinion and support on a wide range of legal issues to the CEO, the executive, the Board of Directors and various committees and task forces. He has extensive experience in corporate and governance issues, and organizational ethics, and as well as in the drafting of bylaws, rules and policies. Bill approaches issues from the perspective of a litigator, a negotiator, a critic, an advocate, a mediator and a manager. He brings purpose, commitment and passion to everything he does and provides a sensible, forthright approach to problem-solving. Bill was, for many years, a columnist on legal issues and is a popular and sought-after speaker for events all across the country. With his philosophy that you shouldn’t take anything too seriously, Bill’s presentations are engaging, entertaining and easy to grasp.