Energy Savings For Your Business Series: #2 DIY Energy Assessments
Thursday 06 March 2025, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
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green energy

Unlocking Energy Savings For Your Business!

Green Economy Peterborough's Energy Efficiency Learning Series

Join us for a comprehensive, 3-part lunch and learn webinar series designed to help small businesses boost energy efficiency, cut costs, and reduce their environmental impact.

#1 - Energy Efficiency 101

Thursday, February 20, 12 - 1 pm

--> Learn the fundamentals of energy conservation and why it matters for your business.

#2 - DIY Energy Assessments

Thursday, March 6, 12 - 1 pm

--> Discover how to assess your own energy use and identify opportunities for improvement without hiring an expert.

#3 - Hands-On Energy Efficiency Hacks

Thursday, March 20, 12 - 1 pm

--> Get actionable, budget-friendly tips and tricks to make your business more energy-efficient—without the heavy investment.

Register Today!

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