Bridges to Better Business 2024
Thursday 24 October 2024, 04:00pm - 08:00pm
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Bridges to Better Business 2024

Join us for the annual Bridges to Better Business event.

This year, we're proud to present LG Talks: 6 Power-Packed Talks to Amplify your Business. Unlock powerful strategies in minutes - your business breakthrough starts here. These short, focused talks on essential business growth topics in the areas of leadership, operational efficiency, cash flow management, and more.

We will also be celebrating the current graduates of Starter Company Plus and honour the Entrepreneur of the Year and Immigrant Entrepreneur.


Why Attend?


  • Learn from Experts: Gain insights from six dynamic speakers who will cover essential topics for growing your business, including:
  1. Operational Efficiency: Boost efficiency and cut costs. Speaker: Brett Christensen, Workplace Performance.
  2. Market Adaptation: Stay ahead of changing market demands. Speaker: Karen McDonald Hurley, Opportunity Group.
  3. Succession Planning: Secure your business’s future with effective succession planning. Speaker: Keeley Patterson, O'Farrell Wealth & Estate Planning.
  4. Leadership & Resiliency: Build resilient leadership for sustainable growth. Speaker: Kevin Savoy, ByNan Business Solutions Inc.
  5. Team Building: Unlock your team’s full potential to drive business growth. Speaker: Theo Graham, Songwood Contracting Ltd.
  6. Cash Flow Management: Strengthen financial stability and make smarter decisions. Speaker: Darren Gallacher, Community Futures Grenville.


  • Network with Peers: Build valuable connections with fellow business owners, entrepreneurs, and community leaders.


  • Celebrate Success: Help us honour the accomplishments of the latest graduates from the Starter Company Plus program, and applaud the Entrepreneur of the Year and Immigrant Entrepreneur award recipients.


Who Should Attend?

  • Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs: Gain practical insights and tools to help grow your business.
  • Medium-Sized Businesses: Discover strategies to scale operations, optimize cash flow, and enhance leadership within your organization.
  • Community Members: Support local businesses and learn more about the economic development initiatives in your area.


Registration Cost: $65 (includes appetizers and a light dinner)

Space is limited, so register today!


Hosted by United Counties of Leeds and Grenville - Economic Development - Small Business


Sponsored by:

O'Farrell Wealth & Estate Planning / Assante Capital Management Ltd

Canarm Ltd

FedDev Ontario



4:00 PM: Networking & Refreshments

4:30 PM: Opening Remarks

4:55 PM: Starter Company Plus Graduate Recognition

5:15 PM: LG Talks – Kevin Savoy - Leadership and Resilience, Darren Gallacher - Cash Flow, Brett Christensen - Operational Efficiency

6:00 PM: Break & Food

6:20 PM: LG Talks – Theo Graham - Team Building, Karen McDonald-Hurley - Market Adaptation, Keeley Patterson - Succession Planning

7:05 PM: Q&A Session

7:25 PM: Awards Ceremony (Entrepreneur of the Year and Immigrant Entrepreneur)

7:45 PM: Wrap-Up

8:00 PM: Exit


We look forward to seeing you at this special event!!