Walk Through History and Plan Across Generations
Thursday 24 October 2024, 05:00pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 201
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Joined by Edward Jones, on day 4 of BoQ Small Business week we'll Walk Through History and Plan Across Generations. Built in 1940, Base31 is the only intact World War II air base in Canada. We’ll start with a tour of the on-site museum, featuring one of just seven remaining Lancaster Bombers. Following the tour, Leader and Senior Wealth Consultant Tracey McLennan, will share her insights on planning across generations, including the value of family meetings and different ways to structure them. She’ll also discuss barriers to open family communication and consequences when there is a lack of communication. Join us to enjoy the tour, presentation, dinner and refreshments, while discovering more about Edward Jones and what it means to be our client. We hope to see you there! Call 613-476-0371 to book your spot. Seats are limited.