Succession Planning Workshop with Judith Pineault
Tuesday 19 November 2024, 09:00am - 10:30am
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Succession Planning Workshop with Judith Pineault

Are you a business owner considering your exit strategy?

Exit Strategy Unveiled: Navigate the maze of options; intergenerational transition, transition to key employees, or a strategic 3rd party.

Business Valuation Insights: Understand the methods used for evaluating the price of your business, and learn which is right for your company.

Maximize Value: Unlock the keys to increasing your enterprise value and receiving an improved return on your investment.

Featured Speaker

Judith Pineault CEPA, is the former CEO and Co-founder of Eastern Fluid Power Inc. After a successful exit in December 2019, Judith has guided numerous owners through this critical transition. “Knowledge empowers, but true empowerment comes from having the right support team and real-life experiences. As someone who‘s completed the journey, I’ve gained insights that go beyond conventional advice. Join me for stuff your accountant and lawyer don’t tell you!”

Your Confidentiality Matters

Rest assured, participation in this session is completely anonymous. Your registration will be treated with the utmost privacy.


If you have specific questions you would like answered anonymously at the meeting, please send them to Your questions will be asked without revealing your identity, and we guarantee your confidentiality and privacy will be strictly maintained.