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This program supports scale-up of high-growth, innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in rural and urban communities by offering loans of $150,000 to $500,000 (additional funding available on an exception basis). SOFII provides interest-bearing business loans to help innovation and growth in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) across the region.
Loan Program
The SOFII loan fund acts as a catalyst for increased investment in and support for innovation, and is one element in the ongoing climate of government assistance to high-growth companies in Southern Ontario. Launched by the Government of Canada in July 2012, SOFII is supported through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario and is delivered in southeastern Ontario by Community Futures Eastern Ontario. In southeastern Ontario, SOFII is a $30 million fund, available to eligible organizations in both rural and urban centres.
Financing For:
processes or technologies |
Loan Terms:

SOFII Rural is a specifically designed initiative under the SOFII program that offers special incentive terms to high-growth, small to medium sized businesses in the rural communities of southeastern Ontario. The SOFII Rural initiative is available in the regions of:
application process
To complete your statement of interest and find out additional information on our application process, please click here.
success stories - SOFII's Investment Impact